TomChiconi  01.12.2024 14:29 [UTC]
to know I can come home anytime :)
TomChiconi  01.12.2024 14:29 [UTC]
Hi, just wanted to say thank you for keeping the lights on at the best TTD server! I do not play much but it is n-ice
BenTrein  31.10.2024 09:32 [UTC]
Oh man, I finished server 5 by 2024 last night (has it been done before?) and still few points. There should be a bonus!
BenTrein  31.10.2024 02:13 [UTC]
I've done what I could... Finish server five before 2025 (expectedly)... I'm quite satisfied.
Tangn-ice  12.10.2024 15:37 [UTC]
thank you for your help Chucky, appreciated
Tangn-ice  12.10.2024 15:36 [UTC]
I think my Ip will change every 24 hours, no worries
Tangn-ice  12.10.2024 15:36 [UTC]
ah not sure that I can do may be restart my router but the internet provider may assign me to the same ip again
Chucky  12.10.2024 15:33 [UTC]
change your ip address
Tangn-ice  12.10.2024 15:33 [UTC]
Its seems all the server kicked me out now T_T
Tangn-ice  12.10.2024 15:26 [UTC]
It seems I've got banned from the server 7, I'm not sure why please help